Okay I got my hands on one of these and I pulled it apart tonight to find out the circuit layout
These things aren't cheap for a push button but It looks like there is something to do with the immobilisers built into these buttons are there are some terminals marked Ant1 and Ant2 and the sticker on the side of it says, "Amplifier, Immobiliser"
Also on the side is 5Vdc, 100mA so I assumed the LEDS on this run at 5V.
Front view, the green LED on top is actually a Red/Green bi colour LED
Inside there is the following circuit board. and I found the terminals on this side related to particular LEDs
When I applied +5V to these terminals the front LEDs worked
So in all the pin layout if your looking from the back of the button is as follows.
These things aren't cheap for a push button but It looks like there is something to do with the immobilisers built into these buttons are there are some terminals marked Ant1 and Ant2 and the sticker on the side of it says, "Amplifier, Immobiliser"
Also on the side is 5Vdc, 100mA so I assumed the LEDS on this run at 5V.
Front view, the green LED on top is actually a Red/Green bi colour LED
Inside there is the following circuit board. and I found the terminals on this side related to particular LEDs
When I applied +5V to these terminals the front LEDs worked
So in all the pin layout if your looking from the back of the button is as follows.
Pin layout is shown by the pin numbers '1' Not Sure 1 2 Push Button Connection 1 Red Bi Colour LED 3 Green Bi Colour LED 5 6 Common for Push Button and LEDs TRD Back light 7 8 Common for Push Button and LEDs Not Sure 9 Not Sure 11 12 Push Button Connection 2 Not Sure 13
The two common pins, 6 and 8 are directly connected together at all times and are the -ve connection for the LEDs as well.
When the engine start button is pressed in, pins 3and 6 are bridged together. As are 8 and 11
User: OnAll-FOUR